
New Location in Okinawa

Hello, everyone!
We hope you are having a good "homy time"🏠😍✨

大家好!! 希望近期的宅家時光, 大家也能過的愉快🏠😍✨

Before starting this blog, we would like to mention this at first. 
We recognise the world peace is currently unstable due to the sad news threatening our lives.
But we still would like to try to deliver something beautiful or something that makes you (ourselves) feel more happy & more exciting ❤️

在進入今天的主題之前, 我們想和大家分享一下德可莉每個工作人員的小小心聲。
儘管最近我們都收到了很多負面的消息, 整個世界彷彿籠罩在一片迷霧之中,但還是希望能盡可能為大家傳遞一些美好, 或者能感到快樂以及充滿希望的信息 ❤️ ❤️

So today, we would like to introduce the newest amazing Okinawa spot, MIYAKO Island🌴🌴

You can embrace the breath-taking emerald × blue sea with white sandy beach which is famously called "Miyako Blue"😍

所以, 今天就讓我們向各位新人們推薦又一個充滿驚喜的沖繩新景點----宮古島🌴🌴
在柔軟的白沙海灘邊, 盡情擁抱如翡翠般, 令人嘆為觀止的藍色海洋, 這便是遠近聞名的“宮古藍😍

Miyako Island is in Okinawa prefecture but one of the islands surrounding near (main) Okinawa Island.

That is totally true that Okinawa is the first come-up in your head when thinking about "Beach location".

But this Miyako Island in Okinawa is just different from any other Okinawa beaches.
This brows your mind with the beautiful stunning natures.  (especially when Diving & Snorkeling🐠)

宮古島位於沖繩縣, 是沖繩本島周邊的離島之一。
一想到海灘景點, 最先浮現在大家腦海中的定是沖繩本島。
但其實相較本島的景致, 宮古島獨有的自然風光會更加吸引人(特別是在海中潛水或是浮潛的時候)🐠

Sorry, we are talking too much 😅lol 
No more talking, let's just enjoy the amazing, just amazing sceneries that we recently captured as wedding photos in Miyako island!💕💕

長話短說, 還是直接來欣賞我們在宮古島拍攝的, 令人驚喜萬分的客片吧💕💕

🌻 Miyako Island Photo shoot  🌺
Available Period : July 1st - 30th 2020

拍攝期間: 7/1-7/30, 2020

The best season for Okinawa wedding photo is coming soon!
And still available with the discounted price now 💖

現在預約, 還可享有優惠折扣, 先到先得喔!!💖

How do you like the photos in Miyako Island ?😊
We look forward to your enquiry▶︎ HERE

沖繩本島? 宮古島? 你鍾意哪一個呢?😊
期待大家的諮詢▶︎ HERE

💌 Contact us:https://bit.ly/2SxDEY0